

Markdown file

Checkout the official repository, where you will find all the contents and configuration instructions. We will use cloud and local environments, so it is important to configure your machine.

A Single Neuron


Google Colab

We are going to learn how to program an artificial neuron and see how it can make a simple decision. We will create a new Python class called perceptron and define its decision function.

Training a Neuron


Google Colab

We are going to learn how a neuron is trained based on examples. We will program an artificial neuron and train it for a specific function and see how it will be able to make a new prediction.

Iris Dataset Classification Problem


Google Colab

In this section we are going to learn more about multi-layer perceptrons and feed-forward (full connected) neural networks, and how they are very useful to do simple classification tasks that require modern artificial intelligence solutions.

Handwritten Digits Classification Problem


Google Colab

In this section we are going to learn more about image processes, what a convolution is, what convolutional networks are for and how they are very useful to work with computer vision problems.

Biomedical Images Segmentation Experimental


Google Colab

This is an EXPERIMENTAL notebook for an advanced challenge trying to segment biomedical images using a model called U-Net.
Can you improve the code?